If your child is in my class then you know ALL about tickets. The children earn tickets for good behavior, kind acts, etc. Then each day, I draw out two names and those two get to pick a prize from the prize box.
Have you ever wondered what happens to all those tickets??? Hundreds of them!
Well, they go in a special lunch bucket. At the end of each month I draw five names from the bucket. Then, I get to eat lunch with those five children. Lucky me, eh?? The only thing I insist upon is that I get to pick the day (translation: the school lunch menu of the day). Last Wednesday was our Thanksgiving Dinner, so I picked that one.
Here are my friends who had me giggling the entire time. I love these children.
the dolphin fanatic.
the giggler.
the sharpest dresser around.
The menu:
turkey (of course)
gravy (made with thousands of pounds of butter!)
Mashed Potatoes (from a box)
stuffing (very tasty)
roll (whole wheat no less)
cranberries (at least I think that's what they were)
baby carrots (yum...just kidding)
pears (nothing says "Thanksgiving" like "pears")
pumpkin pie (not as good as it looks)
Oh, and chocolate milk.
That's a fun reward! Would you believe I know 4 out of 5 of those kids? <3